Thursday, August 31, 2006

I Forget

We used to tease my dad mercilessly about the fact that he had a hard time finishing a sentence because he couldn't find the word he wanted, or that he didn't remember that he had just told us that story. He would tell us, "You just wait." Well, I am happy to announce that the waiting is OVER!!!!
Yes, Ladiezzz and Gentlemen, you, YES YOU can also be the recipient of such a marvelous talent! All you have to do is pass 40!
I can't believe how many times I have not been able to finish a sentence because the mind takes a vacation. A short one, mind you, but a vacation nevertheless. I can just see my brain in Jamaica holding a drink with an umbrella in it.
I told Hannah once to put the (whatever object she was holding--I forget) in the "big white cold thing". The word refrigerator was just not there. I knew what I wanted, just couldn't say it.
I believe in all political correctness we shall call this malady BBLANK. This shall stand for Baby Boomer Loss of All Normal Knowledge. Remember, (if you can) I coined this one first.
Yes I have tried the "you should try..." things: Ginko Biloba--forgot to take it and finally threw the bottle away, Brain Exercise Puzzles--forgot where I left the book. Nothing seems to stick.
I guess I will have to live with this problem, and I am sure it will get worse as I get older, but how will I know?
Oh, and by the way, I sat down to blog and couldn't for the life of me remember what I had in mind for the subject. Had to laugh at myself when it came back to me.

This is your brain. This is your brain after 40. Get the......the.......little piece of paper with writing on it..... short communication.....?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


That's what the copier said when I walked into the workroom today. We are friends now, I know all its deepest thoughts and feelings since we have spent so much time together. I copied five reams of paper in the last two days. I am so glad the copier collates and punches holes for me--whatta good friend huh?
I told Porter today that this time of year is like standing under a roof, watching the snow slide off and knowing it is going to land on me really soon. I really like the work, don't get me wrong. I am the queen of futzy paperwork. If it has to do with paper, I'm all over it.
Bring it on.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Feelin' Chipper

I took Eli to the dentist this morning. Brad spent an hour on the boy's tooth and it looks great. In the light of the office I really had to look close to see where he had fixed it. The man's an artist. If you live in the area and are looking for a sahweet dentist, Brad's the man. Bay Dental in Bayport MN.
I know dental visits and all that are just not people's favorite. Believe me, "in the chair" is not my fave place to spend time, but when you get to go to a place where your friends are in the waiting room, and working in the office, it makes it a lot easier. I was parking the car and Karli was standing there waiting for a hug. We chatted in the waiting room for "ten minutes" (I'll blog on that another day), and after she had to leave, my friend Dawne and her children came walking in! Wonderful morning of chatting.
That's all I have
Don't forget to brush and floss!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Roof! Roof!

Yep, roofing and sweating and Gatorade, oh my!
Roofed the home of Herr and Frau Spetzman this weekend. I gotta tell ya, when my family decides to get something done, that's it. Those people know how to bust their humps. The shingles were off in an hour and a half. Three layers! Then the surprise...worn-out decking. Another step that wasn't expected, but they handled it. Had the decking on and ready for paper and shingles by the end of the first day. God gave us a beautiful weekend, no rain worries, and off we went on Sunday. Tim was greatly surprised at what little he will have to finish in the next few days. I don't mean to say we did all the work, tho. Tim's friend Craig and his dad were there bustin' it too, and when the shingles were coming off, Mike, a neighbor came and worked like a madman. Taylor, however, gets the "I can't believe a fifteen year old would work that hard" award.
I was the child-watcher and cooker, cuz Homie donna do laddahs. That's ok, I was in my element. Cooked enough food to last them the week! I had a great time playing pillow fight with Jacob--wore the boy out, and pretty much just helped out with what needed doing.
Only a couple of casualties, Jeffrey cut his hand with the shingle razor, and I sliced my thumb along with the carrots. Here's something to think about: How can a knife that is not sharp enough to cut a carrot slice halfway through a THUMBNAIL??? I know what Kandi is getting for Christmas.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Boy Rite of Passage

Eli has achieved one of the major events in a boy's life. He chipped his front tooth. Not bad enough that we had to run to the dentist right away, although Brad our dentist was in town and said he'd meet us at the church and take a look at it. He said it could wait until Monday to be fixed. Pretty noticable though, and Eli is having a hard time with it. He will hardly open his mouth for anyone to look at it. (Not a bad deal, really--OOH bad mommy.)
I guess they had Cheetos on a table at band camp and he tried to get some quickly and hit his mouth on the edge of the table. Probably the last time he will go "diving for Cheetos". I hope he won't have childhood baggage about it, because nobody should have to go through life afraid to eat Cheetos. Right Brain?
Well having lived through this myself as a child--come to think of it, I was the same age as he--I guess he will be ok. I'm really glad that the dental arts have progressed so much since 1972. I would hate for him to have to answer, "What's that on your tooth?" for the rest of his life.
Not so bad, really, I've heard of rappers that pay big money to have gold put on their teeth.....

Thursday, August 24, 2006


It's Bumper Sticker Day!

Saw a couple I liked today. One was one of those white window-sticker-types. It had a man and a woman silhouette, and at the bottom read, "Straight Pride". Loved it.

The other one was, "I love poetry, long walks on the beach and poking dead things with a stick."
Now that's funny.

Here's my all-time favorite: "Illiterate? Write for free help!"

Oh, and while we're on the subject, how long is too long for a political bumper sticker to be on a car after the election? I say two weeks. I'm all for voting conservative, but lose the Dubya stickers already.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Why is it that girls wear their clothes too tight and boys wear their clothes too loose? Can nothing fit anymore? I saw a girl the other day who had pants on that were at least three sizes too small. Breathing? Hmm? I think not. Then again, they were so low I doubt that they were anywhere in the vicinity of her diaphragm. John calls those "pencil holder pants". Gotta have a place to put that pencil, right? Not gonna fit in the pocket, that's for sure.
And then the boys! Ohmystars, I haven't seen so many boxers since I don't know when. What makes you think that we NEED to see your underwear? How can this be comfortable? Running? Out of the question. Lift your foot to hit the brake quickly? Maybe, maybe not.
My cousin's wife used to give her boys the "pants" test in the store. "Put your feet together and stand there while I yank on the legs of your pants. They come down? Too big." I told Eli that if I ever see his boxers hanging out, I'm gonna throw them all away and he has to ride the "tightie whitie" train.
Maybe I'm just too old for this, but I say bring back clothes that fit. Why can't that be the new trend?

This one's for you Tater. Happy Birthday (a little late).

Monday, August 21, 2006

And The Band Played

Eli started band camp today. He brought his saxophone home and demonstrated the notes they learned today, and played the scale. Eddie ran for the hills. Not a big fan, I'm sorry to say. I love to hear him playing with no coaching on my part. I'll remember the sounds when I'm trying to get him to practice six months from now. He's pretty happy playing now, though. So we'll run with that.
See you all at the ball game tonight!

Friday, August 18, 2006


Had a plan yesterday. A plan to make the day's events fit into as few sequential pieces as possible. 9am gotta get to work. Had to grab the phone at 8:50 just as I was about to walk out the door. It's my friend and she wants to chat. Ok. 9:10 leave for work. Arrive at work 9:17.
Got a bunch of things to get ready for this weekend. The copier/printer is down. Ok. Make revisions to the pieces and save them for tomorrow. One o'clock meeting. Arrive 12:50. Whew!
Meeting done at 2:50. Children are waiting at church for me to take them and register for school. Hannah forgot her lock. Back home to retrive that. Registration ends at 4:30 HURRY! Get to Hannah's school and Eli does not want to go in and wait in line. Ok. Wait in the car then, no problem. Hannah's registration goes as smoothly as possible--the way they have it set up is very efficient. Out to the car. Grab the keys from Eli and stick them in the ignition. Death rattle of solenoid. I neglected to instruct Eli not to turn the key on to listen to the radio because my battery is on its last legs. Call Brandy to get a jump. Brandy arrives in five minutes (thanks girl!). Car starts on the first try, and we're off to the middle school. Go in the wrong door and have to search for the registration stations. Keep in mind, the car has to run the whole time we are in the school, to charge the battery, so Hannah has to stay in the car. Get to station 3--pictures. They had a camera malfunction at Houlton and had to send one of their cameras there and are running on one instead of two. The line is reeeeallllly long. Car's still running. Told Eli to stay in line while I finished the rest of the stations. Had to write a check at three of them. What? Can't they make this easier? Good grief. Wait in line after completing stations. Wait. I wonder how much gas I have in the car. Wait. Done. Out to the car--yep still running--and off to the homestead. Whew! Whatta day!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Heard an advertisement on the radio today for...
are you ready?

Viagra Soft Tabs.

Think about it.

Fun With Words

My sis Kandi sent me this yesterday and I thought I'd share it with you all.

Once again, the Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for common words. The winners are:

Coffee (n.) the person upon whom one coughs.
Flabbergasted (adj.) appalled over how much weight you have gained.
Abdicate (v.) to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
Esplanade (v.) to attempt an explanation while drunk.
Willy-nilly (adj.) impotent.
Negligent (adj.) describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightgown.
Lymph (v.) to walk with a lisp.
Gargoyle (n.) olive-flavored mouthwash.
Flatulence (n.) emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.
Balderdash (n.) a rapidly receding hairline.
Testicle (n.) a humorous question on an exam.
Rectitude (n.) the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.
Pokemon (n.) a Rastafarian proctologist.
Oyster (n.) a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.
Frisbeetarianism (n.) (back by popular demand) the belief that, when you die, your soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.
Circumvent (n.) an opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.

I thought these were great. I tried to choose a favorite, but I couldn't, although "Circumvent" made me laugh the hardest.

Happy Birthday Kelli!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Miss Teen USA

Hannah watched this tonight (I could only stand it for a few minutes)--for the shock value if nothing less. Her statement was,"Y'know what is so sick about this mom? That this is these girls' LIFE!"
Yes, this is true. These poor sticks--uh, I mean girls (really, if you would have put a corn-dog on their head you could sell them at the state fair) have been working toward this moment all their life. Kinda sick if you ask me. But whatever.
Miss Montana won, not that you could tell the difference between who belonged to Montana and who belonged to New York, New Jersey, Alaska, etc. I realize that these girls are all individuals, but they all looked pretty much the same to me. The one redeeming thing I have to say about this competition was that they did not have the girls dress in really revealing clothing. Pretty modest for today's standards. Admirable. But I would be ok if this kind of waste-of-time-tv never happened again. All those women competitions are just junk in my opinion. Unless they are going to build a hot rod or chopper for their talent. That might be worth watching, but only if they're wearing coveralls. With their name above the pocket.

Happy Birthday Trav-O-Blaster!

Monday, August 14, 2006


Had an interesting day today. A lady called me and needed someone to talk to, was really having a hard time with life, and so I listened. She was not exactly in her most sober condition ifyouknowwhatimean. I listened until she said that God's grace was not sufficient to keep her sober. Then it was my turn to talk. I did my best impersonation of an AA sponsor. I told her what she needed to hear, although she did not like it very much. As a matter of fact she called me a fatass (how did she know?). I told her she could call me all the names she wanted to, she was not going to hurt my feelings, and I was not going to mince words with her and tell her something that was not true. I was nice, but firm with her, something that in the long run made her grateful she had called.
Well it all ended up well, her being my new friend and all. I hope I get to meet her someday and give her a squeeze.
This should have been a Kristi Rule, but I think it should go without saying:
Don't ever think you can get away with telling me God's grace is not sufficient to handle ANY of your issues. Don't ever think that I will be quiet if you do tell me that. You are going to get an earful. And don't expect me to agree with you if you are having problems of your own making, and blame God for your choices.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Yellow Liver

There is a bar not far from our house that features bands every weekend. It's called the Willow River Inn, but from all the alcohol poured, and all the "yes I've had a few too many" people that imbibe there, we call it the Yellow Liver.
Last night John, Jeffrey and I went to hear "Midlife Crisis", a band fronted by one of our friends. These guys were really great. The bassist and vocalist is a music man from years and years back, hence the name, and really knows his tunes. The sweet thing about this band is that they don't stop playing for the whole set. They go from one song right into the next, and really well. They kept the dance floor full the whole night. Most importantly, they were not screamingly loud. Loud enough, but not painful. I really can't stand bands that crank the speakers up so loud that your ears are ringing for an hour after you leave the place.
We played some pool, Jeffrey was king of the table, and had a lot of fun. John's already got the calendar marked for Nov. when they play there again. He said he could just listen to them all night!

Pierce Co Fair

Yes! More fairspeak!
Last night Kelli and I took the cherubs to the Pierce Co. Fair. Not, I will remind you, to EVER be confused with the Polk County State Fair, which is our favorite by far. This fair is smaller, but just as expensive. Ohmystars. If you remember, we went to the PCSF without children. Well let me tell you, they increase the spending margin by about 75%. I brought what I thought was to be overly sufficient money. Yeah, right. I neglected to factor in that the bigger rides this year are $4.50! We tried our hardest to get them to ride the beep-beep cars, but to no avail.
They had a ride that I had never seen before. We dubbed it the Superman ride. You laid down on your stomach on a three-across-sling-type-contraption, and sailed in the air. That was the fave. Hannah and Taylor went on the cage ferris wheel, spun around and around, and the change in Hannah's pockets went a-flyin'! She said she could hear it clinking through the bars. Oh, well, make a wish.
Went to the China Moon in River Falls for dinner, and came home tired but happy.
I think our fairs are done for the year, maybe we'll go to the MSF, but I'm not sure. Really? There's corn dogs? Well alright then! Let's go!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Just Junk

Five minutes before I have to shut the phones down at work--time for blogging!

Have been reading a little about this Cynthia McKinney everyone is talking about, only because my maiden name is McKinney--not because I am that interested in politics. Although, I must admit, I know quite a bit more that I ever have, not caring in the past about the political realm in the least.
This lady scares me. How on earth did she ever get elected? She says whatever she wants to, and most of it is either "poor me, poor black woman", or she spouts unfounded conspiracy theories, or dogs people of other races. Whacko.
Sometimes I really wonder about the state of our political system.

Oh, and I just birthed my first "anything political" blog--that I can remember-hey! I'm over 40 after all...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happy Birthday to She

Come one come all you bloggers to Joe's Crab Shack on County Road C in St Paul! (by the fairgrounds, off Snelling) Next Wed night 6:30(?) we will be celebrating Kelli's birthday and would love to have all of you there! But don't tell her, it's a secret....


Hey you bloggers! I have a challenge--or a request if you will. Here is the address of one of my favorite boys-turned-into-men-friends. He is in boot camp training to be a Marine. No! he is not a Marine! (the "rules for letter writing" letter made that quite clear) If you could send him a letter, it would make his day. You can imagine what his days are like right now. Just a letter, no extra stuff is necessary. They frown on care packages, letters with extra added flair (ie: sprayed with perfume) and stuff like that, as the other boots make life miserable for the receiver.
I am going to try to send him a letter a day--throwing in some blogs as well.
Give it a go, willya? I think it would be cool if he got letters from people he didn't even know, supporting him.

Recruit Lairson, David
1st BN BRAVO CO., Platoon 1027
39011 Midway Avenue
San Diego, CA 92140-1027

Thanks friends!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Must be summer. Must have run out of RAID!, because I have spiders. Not me, but our house. Sick. My house is a horror short-story. The little suckers are everywhere. I dug in my fabric stash this week, goin' to Karli's to make beanbags for her children, and there were FOUR IN THE BOX!!! AUGGGHHH! Big black ones! I used the rest of the can of spray on them.
We heat with wood, and I know that the spiders come into our house in the winter, but I usually spray for them once in the winter and once in the spring. Slipped my mind this year though, and now I'm losing the battle. Should just bug-bomb the whole house. Or move--oh, wait, my house is already moving...
Interesting that I discovered spider solitare this game, but I would go without it for the rest of my life if those eight legged wonders (yes I want to use another word)would go outside where they belong. And die. Slow.
Add to that lovely mix the odiferous fact that Edward (if he had a middle name I would be using it right now) decided that the carpet was a perfectly good place to pee, and I can't find where he did it. I can hear the circus barker now: "C'mon over and watch the amaaaaazing Kristi sniff ev'ry inch of carrrrrpeting in her entiiiiire houuuuuuse!"

Monday, August 07, 2006

From Romania With Love

Yesterday our family welcomed into our home people who immigrated here 4 years ago from Romania. John used to work with Florin in a factory in Brooklyn Park. Florin is a maintenance mechanic, his wife Roxanne works and goes to school to be a Radiologic Technologist, and they have an 11 year old son. These are some wonderful people.
We had dinner, chatted for a while and played Sequence. They loved the game, and when Florin said they will have to get one, their son walked through the kitchen and told his dad that they already had it. I guess they had gotten the game a while ago and never learned how to play it. They were excited about playing at home.
We tried to get the go-cart to go, but it was being stubborn. They finally gave up, and I asked Florin if he wanted to go in and wash the gas from his hands, and he said he hadn't touched the engine. "If I touch it, it will be running now," he said with a grin. OOH! Poppers, some ice for that burn?
We had a good time talking and laughing and watching the hummingbirds eat from the feeder outside the kitchen window. Roxanne said that was the first time she had ever seen a hummingbird.
She and I were talking about how hard it is to learn the English language, think about it, I sure would not like to have to learn English as an adult. She said their son picked it up really fast, and has no trace of an accent, although she said she was having a hard time. I thought she was doing great!
We sure had a good time, I hope they come again.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Vee Bee Ess

What a victory! The children learned a lot about our great God, the birth of Jesus and the crafts of the Bethlehem times. Great week.
And I must say we shucked and jived in the kitchen as well.
It was God's providence also, that we had, in our church family, a couple that just had a baby boy so we had a real live "baby Jesus". The children were in awe.
They also got to learn perfume making, grain grinding on a rock--one of the favorites. They made their own measuring stick, dyed some cloth, made a mosaic "tile" box, fed a beggar, and baked their own bread--ok we baked it, but they fixed it up. All in all a successful week.
Looking forward to next year, although I will change a few things in the kitchen, the first being a clean-up crew to come in on the last day--we were all in! And one of us (me) had a slight meltdown...
Things always come together, I'm learning that we need about twice the food I think we will need to feed all the people on the last day. I'm really not used to cooking for 400. Big job, there.
Huge thanks to Tom, who cooked all the meat and mixed up the sloppy joes. (Hey, Joey, I froze some for you--more things that won't be in your fridge.)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bumper Sticker

I have seen a bumper sticker that reads: "Mean People Suck". After today, I couldn't agree more. Kelli and I were having an interesting time today with the papers. First Wed. of the month, and the papers have that tree-killing Real Estate Guide in them, so they're really heavy, and we have to carry almost twice as many bundles as normal. Obviously this takes longer to print and collate at the print shop, so we get the papers late in the first place, but we were at our second stop when, as we dubbed it, "the day from hockey-sticks" began.
We deliver to a certain convenience store, right by the TA truckstop, on the other side of the street as a matter of fact--know where I am? The persons who spend a lot of time at this store are ones from whom I try to steer clear. I have had friends that worked for them and it was not a pleasant experience. They're mean. I don't mean your normal "I'm having a bad day and you crossed my path at the wrong time" kind of mean. Wicked mean.
Ok. The paper shelf is right by the exit door, so we go in the entrance, come around and bring the papers in the exit door. Easier, right? Not today. These two persons (oh, I'm being nice) were standing by the exit door, saw us come in with the papers, and were instantly furious. One of them looked at me and said. "You people," with such a look of disgust on his face. "I'm calling the paper RIGHTNOW!" I followed him down the aisle, called him by name and told him (in my nicest mediator voice) that if he wanted us to not use the exit door to bring papers in, all he had to do was tell me. So he did. Nastily.
I called my boss at the paper to give him a heads up that the call was coming. Don't want that person to be surprising him--that's all I need on a day like today.
Sheesh. The day did not get worse--how could it--but went on a steady line from there. Man, makes me wonder why I like this job.
Y'know what is really wierd? If I went into this store as a customer tonight, and he was working, he would sweet-talk me like there was no tomorrow. Trust me--it has happened. Ick.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


While reading the comments from the Polk County State Fair blog, Pat's comment reminded me that he and I used to have the same stompin' grounds, albeit my stompin' was a few years earlier than his.
We picked Kandi up in her town on Saturday and figured the shortest straightish line from there to St. Croix Falls was through Chisago, Lindstrom and Center City MN. Wow. Sure has changed in 25 years. I used to have a massive apartment (the thing had to be 1000 sq. ft.) above Edson's. Which is not there anymore, by the way. Edson's I mean. The roaches--or their relatives--probably still are. I worked at that time in the kitchen of the beautiful sanctuary that is Hazelden. The perfect place for a young girl that needed people to love her up. God is so good, I am thankful He put me there. I enjoyed the job, the people, and the town. Now, I'm not saying I was Sister Sally Purebred--far from it, these were BC years after all, but the memories--the ones I can remember, some I choose not to--are interesting.
Recently I was listening to 80's music and I heard a "Lindstrom Song". Isn't it cool how hearing a song from a time can bring you right back there? Remember these? (Joey, you're exempt, you weren't born yet)
"Upside Down" by Diana Ross,
"Funkytown" by Lipps, Inc.,
anything from the Billy Joel "Glass Houses" album--8 track, actually...
Any one of these songs crosses my ears and I could be driving to the "Munie" or heading for work down highway 8 (hopefully not in that order). In a '72 Ford Maverick, no less.