Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Why is it that girls wear their clothes too tight and boys wear their clothes too loose? Can nothing fit anymore? I saw a girl the other day who had pants on that were at least three sizes too small. Breathing? Hmm? I think not. Then again, they were so low I doubt that they were anywhere in the vicinity of her diaphragm. John calls those "pencil holder pants". Gotta have a place to put that pencil, right? Not gonna fit in the pocket, that's for sure.
And then the boys! Ohmystars, I haven't seen so many boxers since I don't know when. What makes you think that we NEED to see your underwear? How can this be comfortable? Running? Out of the question. Lift your foot to hit the brake quickly? Maybe, maybe not.
My cousin's wife used to give her boys the "pants" test in the store. "Put your feet together and stand there while I yank on the legs of your pants. They come down? Too big." I told Eli that if I ever see his boxers hanging out, I'm gonna throw them all away and he has to ride the "tightie whitie" train.
Maybe I'm just too old for this, but I say bring back clothes that fit. Why can't that be the new trend?

This one's for you Tater. Happy Birthday (a little late).


Carla said...

I am all for school uniforms, lovey.

cmk said...

You're preachin' to the choir! Or maybe I'm just an old biddy who doesn't understand...:)

Anonymous said...

Sing it, sistah! I'm tired of seeing London and France.

Suspenders. They're the answer. Brightly-colored, striped suspenders.

kristi noser said...

How about the ones that look like tape measures?

Anonymous said...

I'm thinkin' Dale Klawitter. Bright red, really fat ones.

erin said...

I'm on your team, sister. I think that when any male student starts 6th grade, they should be issued a tape measure along with their assignment book. From there, it's simple. A 30" waist does NOT fit into a 40" waisted pant. And for the girls, I say we issue potato sacks with the assignment books. It would take out any of the guesswork, and be a simple solution. Though...judging by the girls I see at the mall these days, they could probably make even a gunny sack raunchy and revealing.

Jeff Burton said...

I always ask my wife, "is there a shortage of fabric I don't know about"? She knows just what I mean.

Bonefish Al said...
