Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bumper Sticker

I have seen a bumper sticker that reads: "Mean People Suck". After today, I couldn't agree more. Kelli and I were having an interesting time today with the papers. First Wed. of the month, and the papers have that tree-killing Real Estate Guide in them, so they're really heavy, and we have to carry almost twice as many bundles as normal. Obviously this takes longer to print and collate at the print shop, so we get the papers late in the first place, but we were at our second stop when, as we dubbed it, "the day from hockey-sticks" began.
We deliver to a certain convenience store, right by the TA truckstop, on the other side of the street as a matter of fact--know where I am? The persons who spend a lot of time at this store are ones from whom I try to steer clear. I have had friends that worked for them and it was not a pleasant experience. They're mean. I don't mean your normal "I'm having a bad day and you crossed my path at the wrong time" kind of mean. Wicked mean.
Ok. The paper shelf is right by the exit door, so we go in the entrance, come around and bring the papers in the exit door. Easier, right? Not today. These two persons (oh, I'm being nice) were standing by the exit door, saw us come in with the papers, and were instantly furious. One of them looked at me and said. "You people," with such a look of disgust on his face. "I'm calling the paper RIGHTNOW!" I followed him down the aisle, called him by name and told him (in my nicest mediator voice) that if he wanted us to not use the exit door to bring papers in, all he had to do was tell me. So he did. Nastily.
I called my boss at the paper to give him a heads up that the call was coming. Don't want that person to be surprising him--that's all I need on a day like today.
Sheesh. The day did not get worse--how could it--but went on a steady line from there. Man, makes me wonder why I like this job.
Y'know what is really wierd? If I went into this store as a customer tonight, and he was working, he would sweet-talk me like there was no tomorrow. Trust me--it has happened. Ick.


Anonymous said...

ick is right. what a mean-faced person, he was totally dissin' my momma. why i oughta...

Reegz said...

I can relate. I had a paper route once for a time and people like this just robbed the fun right out of it! RUDE!

Carla said...

I am sorry, Kriddi. That was un-called for!! I'm with Hannah..

erin said...

I'm with Hannah, too, and most people don't like me from the start anyway, so if you want, I'll tell them what for. Seriously, just say the word.

Unknown said...

I'm going up there this afternoon to...push some...people around!

Better yet. Can I come with next time?

Anonymous said...

I think Erin and Pat are on to something, here. What say a couple two tree of us go over there and smack some people around? Better yet, send just Erin and me during PMS week. Just THINK of the damage we could inflict. (insert evil laugh here)

erin said...

I think my reputation preceeds me...

Anonymous said...

Erin, Pat,'re hired.

kristi noser said...

Pat, can you bring that sawed-off baseball bat?

Anonymous said...

that totally is a bad bummer day for sure and it made me think of "love your enemies, bless those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." .....well you get my point

I did a couple of studies on the Sermon on the Mount and they were very thought provoking and convicting on how I should treat people and be treated by others they were very good one is by Stott and the other Johnny Mac, of course, I totally recommend it them. Way to handle that situation by keepin it cool though.

kristi noser said...

Sara, lest ye think I am hell-bound, I did pray for him the whole day--although I must admit it was difficult.

Anonymous said...

Kristi, that's silly....why would you even think so?

Kate said...

This sounds like a very unhappy person, as I've found most rude people to be. Sad! Evidently, he made a choice to be unhappy that day, so feels he must "share" his disatisfaction with life with others. :) Rather pathetic if ya ask me.

kristi noser said...

Kate, welcome to my bloghouse!