Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Must be summer. Must have run out of RAID!, because I have spiders. Not me, but our house. Sick. My house is a horror short-story. The little suckers are everywhere. I dug in my fabric stash this week, goin' to Karli's to make beanbags for her children, and there were FOUR IN THE BOX!!! AUGGGHHH! Big black ones! I used the rest of the can of spray on them.
We heat with wood, and I know that the spiders come into our house in the winter, but I usually spray for them once in the winter and once in the spring. Slipped my mind this year though, and now I'm losing the battle. Should just bug-bomb the whole house. Or move--oh, wait, my house is already moving...
Interesting that I discovered spider solitare this week....fun game, but I would go without it for the rest of my life if those eight legged wonders (yes I want to use another word)would go outside where they belong. And die. Slow.
Add to that lovely mix the odiferous fact that Edward (if he had a middle name I would be using it right now) decided that the carpet was a perfectly good place to pee, and I can't find where he did it. I can hear the circus barker now: "C'mon over and watch the amaaaaazing Kristi sniff ev'ry inch of carrrrrpeting in her entiiiiire houuuuuuse!"


Anonymous said...

At least you don't have to deal with a Columbian bird-eating spider. That sucker would have huffed two cans of Raid, stood up on four legs, and laughed at ya.

Be thankful for the little things in life... :D

Noel said...

Now , now - all God's creatures have their purpose ! Spiders keep the general population of other bugs and such down . They really don't want to bother you . I leave them alone unless the web catches me in the face , then I will go on a rampage !
As for blogging in the wee hours of the morning , I do it because I am at work with nothing to do . I am a night dispatcher at a trucking company .

Carla said...

Nathan would love to come and "domp de biders det."

kristi noser said...

I will welcome any "dompin'" from the Nafers.

erin said...

Hey at least you don't have silverfish. Seriously. They're so ugly sometimes I cry. Ick.
And I feel your pain on the dog pee thing...if it gets REALLY hot the smells come out of the carpet. We usually leave.

kristi noser said...

Where do we usually go?

Bonefish Al said...

You should give Eddie TWO middle names...

Eddie Eli-Hannah Noser

That way when you yell at Eddie you keep Hannah and Eli on point as well.



kristi noser said...

That is so funny! I almost blogged about this very thing this am! How parents call their children by other names. Not that Eddie is my child or anything...