Tuesday, May 17, 2011


John visited the neighbors the other day and since their dog is now old and infirm, she can no longer have treats. These neighbors know and love Eddie so the treats came to live and be eaten at our house.
Unfortunately, they looked a lot like cookies. Even though John wrote "dog treats" on the top of the container, they just looked too good.
Unfortunately Eli and his friend didn't turn on the lights in the kitchen so as to be able to read dog treat warning notices.
"Cookies!" they exclaimed.
I didn't run that exclamation through my brain fast enough to warn them before they had begun to chew.
"Those are dog treats!"
And the spitting into the sink commenced.


Kandi said...

Hmmm...I wonder if they would have eaten them if you hadn't said anything... :D

theswamphare said...

Ah, Kristi? You missed your chance for them to all have whiter, brighter teeth and strong gums..