Friday, May 01, 2009

I Heart This Update

Hello friends!
Here I am in all my yes-my-heart-is-still-beating wonder to address you all.
Here is the update:
I was taking the beta-blocker medicine that was prescribed me at the hospital, whose intent was to slow down my heart as to not have any more episodes. Well, I must tell you I and beta-blockers are not and will never be friends. Believe it. Not long after I took the first dose I could feel the depression setting in. I was circling the drain. Bigass drain.
On Thursday It was so bad that when I went to the therapist she wondered what was wrong with me, and wondered how much I remembered about the session. Thursday night I cried for a solid two hours. Believe me I was not happy with Mr. beta-blocker, let me tell you. He and I are in a fight.
This morning I went to see the cardiac doctor and when he asked me how the medicine was working out I told him that I hated it, that it depressed me. Then I started to cry.
"See?" I said.
He was gracious--and not a little scared at my reaction--and told me that that medicine stopped now.
I was relieved. I wanted to kiss the man, but, well, you know.
He told me that the A-fib happened to a lot of people, that it wasn't something unusual, and that I could stay on the meds I am on now, and I could have a short-acting medication on hand for if it ever happens again.
He also told me that I have to exercise.
Ok, I will be obedient.
So if any of you want a walking partner, I'm on board.
Oh, and I heart my heart.


LadyD said...

Tia and I are going to start working out together at the Hudson YMCA and walking on the track. I am going to mainly try the eliptical machine, treadmill, and maybe the stepper. You should join us! We could be a threesome! I think Tia has something like 20 free passes and once I get my membership, I will get a bunch that you could use too!
It would be fun. Maybe. Except for the exercising.

zcoffeegirl said...

And amidst the bigass drain, you prayed over me and totally encouraged me as you were sinking. I'm amazed at your sacrifice and God's grace. So happy that you're doing better. Love you. I'll walk.....

LadyD said...

Sheri said the a word.

erin said...


hannahding said...

I wanna walk with you and erin!

theswamphare said...

I live closer and I'll drive to your house and bring Ohana to walk with us!

Katie R. said...

Kristi, I love you and am glad you updated us on the technical stuff.

Matt's dad feels pretty crummy right now because of the meds. he has to take too. I had to take b-blockers once as well. My heart was a-racing like crazy. I wasn't on them too long but I know they make you feel worse than you need to. Wish I was still in Hudson, I'd take ya to Willow River State Park and walk on the paved path by the Nature Center w/ya.

Still happy you are okay.