Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Height Of Fashion

Swedish dance bands of the 70's

She's not too happy that the guy next to her stole her hairdo.

Shore do like them fancy boots. Where'dja get 'em?

I swear they cut and pasted a dude's head on that chick's body.

Gretta forgot to wear the yellow pants, but they were paying the pohotgrapher by the hour, so...

These guys could fall into a bed of impatiens and nobody would find them until summer was over.


The guy on the right is Teddy. Teddy is pissed that he lost the Poncho bet.

Here's a story, of a lovely lady...


kristi noser said...

Here are more. I know you can't get enough of these beauties.


Carla said...

Perfection. You know the one where the dude's head could be pasted on the chick's body?? Which one is she??

Kelli said...

I could've sworn I kept seeing the same guy's head in about half of those bands. Well, come to think of it, Sweden IS a pretty small country.

erin said...


cmk said...

WHOA!!! Looking at those pictures is equivalent to having bad drug flashbacks!