Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Birds

Makes you think of Alfred Hitchcock, huh?

Tuesday as I was driving to bowling, a bald eagle flew within 10 feet of the front of my car, turned and flew alongside of me for a way. That was cool. I have never seen one that close. We see more and more bald eagles as time passes, I don't remember seeing one more than once when I was young. Now they're all over the place.

Since the big snow-melt one of our neighbors has a huge lake in their back yard. It happens every year, and their girls usually get out the rowboat and go for a paddle--the thing is massive. If it stayed all year, their taxes would be a lot higher...get me?
Yesterday there were a whole bunch of Canadian geese swimming around on it. That was cool too! Two cool bird happenings in one week.

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