Saturday, December 30, 2006

Yah! Maddied!

If you ever saw the movie "Sixteen Candles" you can say that line in the accent intended.

In the last three weeks Poppers and I have attended two weddings. Both of the grooms were men that we knew as young boys and have watched grow up through the years. Our first wedding of the month was Jacob, my first daycare boy. He is the son of a man who used to be our associate pastor at FCC. Wow. Watching that wedding was bittersweet, let me tell you. How can people get married when they are FOUR? I'm sure he still is, cuz I'm just not that old!! Jacob and his wife Susanna would like to spend some time as missionaries in the near future.
The second wedding was just last night. My little Ben-jammin'. He was always one of our favorite boys at FCC. Now he leads worship at one of FCC daughter churches. His wife Anna teaches Spanish at the Hudson High School.
Praise God for boys--and girls-- who grow up well in the Lord.


Timotheos said...

Ah yes, the Holsteen wedding was beautiful, simple, elegant, and Christ-honoring, despite Larry's so-called dancing! I was reaching for forks to stab my eyes out!

kristi noser said...

Yep, we be white,
White R Us
Fer Shure

Anonymous said...

You musn't be the only one timotheos! Rumor has it there have been requests for fourteen seeing eye dogs since the wedding dance!