Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Eli is a teenage boy.
Teenage boys eat.
A lot.
Our boy is no exception.
Yesterday I made a TON of spaghetti, hoping it would last a couple of days.
But no.
So tonight as Eli was taking his fifth piece of pizza, I told him to be careful not to eat too much.
And I got,
"You're right I do have that Olympic training later."
Ah, he kills me.


Keithslady said...

I counted the calories once, 5000-6000 a day. I just count them as 2.5 people when meal planning (right, like I "plan" my meals, you know what I mean).

kristi noser said...

Yep Cindy, gotcha. For spaghetti and lasagna, I count Eli as 6 people.