Monday, April 04, 2011

Do I Sound Like That?

Even though I am in full ownership of a Midwestern accent, it never fails to make me smile when I hear a bunch of people talking who sport "dere" "dat" and "dem" in their everyday speech.
Here are a few smiles I heard this weekend:

Yah, dat's da trut. (I just want you to know, Google redlined ALL these words)
Are you here too?
Over der.
Turn on da next street.

I'm sure there (der) were a lot more, but you get the drift. (der, don'tcha know)


Kelli said...

You'da felt right at home, der, if someone woulda offered ya a quarter ta bring 'em an Old Mil, I betcha.

Shannon Smith said...

I love hearing people talk like that. Dem der, don'tcha know.

KandiShoogarKewkee said...

I'm sure dat I've said dose a couple two-tree times, now, don'tcha know. Dat dere is da reason some people's words is so tick (as opposed to tin). Now, den, please pass da lefse. You betcha.