Thursday, November 18, 2010

Frustration Of The Stupid

Today I was the only one in the office that was answering phones. It is a proven fact that once you are on a phone, the other line will ring, or your cell phone will ring or two other lines will ring. Just is.
I was trying to call someone, and as soon as I finished dialing (I know, it's pushing buttons, but forever in my head it will be known as dialing), the phone would ring. I would then hang up on my call to answer the other line, only to realize there was no one there. Took two rounds of stupid before I realized I was calling the church's number, and then hanging up on myself.


erin said...

Shut up! You're making this up. This is way too funny to be real!

Maya said...

true story? really?

kristi noser said...

yes, unfortunately, I am that dumb sometimes.

Carla said...

You were flustered after I left.

cmk said...

Can't. Stop. Laughing!!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of Carol Burnett's bit with Tim Conway..she was the secretary. That is so good...laughing! They had funny names, but I can't remember them!
zcoffeegirl..having trouble with the stupid identity thing> Geesh!

Kara Jo said...

Bahahaaa! Seriously LOL.