Friday, October 16, 2009

Hoonie Noonie

I don't know if it is the H1N1 or whatever but this bout of sick really sucks.
Lethargic doesn't even begin to describe how much energy I have. I didn't even come downstairs yeserday to the computer and look at FACEBOOK!! I know, RIGHT?
I slept most of the day so last night I--yes I--took two Tylenol PM so I could sleep.
Just so you know, 1 Tylenol PM+ 1 Tylenol PM = 1 drooly pillow.
Thanks to all of my wonderful friends who called to see how I was and to offer soup.
Love you!

1 comment:

erin said...

I'm sorry you're sick! I've been worried about you. I hope you're feeling better very soon.