Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Chestnuts Roasting...

Ok, the panic and stress is gone now and I'm able to blog about this with calmness. Whew.

On Christmas day Pops and his friend Richard were going to deep-fry some fish for brunch. John got all the oil in the pot and put it on the burner on the outside propane cooker, cranked 'er on, and then went inside and forgot about it. Kelli said something about the pot being on fire and we all looked out to flames shooting out of the pot about two feet high. John ran into the litchen to grab the lid for the pot and put it on, and the flames shot out of the sides of the lid. Getting higher and higher. At the highest point, about 4 feet and threatening the soffit of the roof.

Eli ran for the fire extinguisher, Richard ran for a wet towel. Pops emptied the extinguisher on to the pot, and the flames subsided a little, but not much. The wet towel tamped the flames enough that Richard and I were able to throw some gloves on and grab the handles, ever so gently lifting the pot off the burner and putting it in the snow on the deck. A shovelful of snow later and smoke was all that was coming out of the pot.

Here is a picture Jeffrey took (!) after the fire extinguisher attempt:

All in all an exciting Christmas dinner, although I prefer it a little quieter thank you.
God was gracious to us once again!


Carla said...

I love Noser parties.

erin said...

What Carla said. I'm glad your home and family are ok.

Carla said...

What I said and then the 2nd thing that Erin said.

Anonymous said...

All of the second thing that Carla said.

Katie R. said...

I can't get over that a picture was actually taken of this event. That's actually kinda funny.