Monday, February 11, 2008

There Are Rules

Dear people wanting Notary assistance,
If you bring me the paper I am to notarize and you have ignored the "sign in front of Notary" rule and have signed the paper in advance, please do not give me the eye-roll when I ask for your driver's license. Pay attention.


erin said...

I hate it when people ask me to break the notary rules.

Brandy Dopkins said...

oh- I know! and it's such a tough spot to be in- don't they know you have to be able to truthfully testify in a court of law that that is thier signature? how can you testify if you didn't see them sign?

We are not just being rags, people, we are making sure notaty means something in a court of law. Whoa, looks like you found one of my hot buttons.

LadyD said...

Love the honesty here people! It is refreshing.
Thanks for the laugh.
Oops. That's right we are being serious now.

Keithslady said...

I once had a notary reprimand and roll her eyes at me because I handed her an unsigned paper. I commented, "I thought I was supposed to sign it in front of you." She just gave me a second roll.

erin said...

She must have been one of those Philistine notaries.

Keithslady said...

Department of Transportation, does that say it all?

Jessica said...

Preach it! People seem to really have NO CLUE what a notary is for, and then it's MY fault when I have to tell them.