Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Seems as if I have stirred the pot with the "Rosie" blog. I have a few more things to say.

No I do not watch The View, and mainly because of Rosie's caustic comments, but all in all, I've tried it and it does not suit.

I try not to judge people, let them make their own choices, but when people are in the public eye and are hateful, I believe they do not deserve to be in the public eye. If it is ok to sling hate, then Michael Richards should be able to say anything he wants to. And no, I don't think he should. Nor should Rosie. Why does she get people's sympathy?

I think that people should have the guts to post as themselves and not hide behind the anonymous label. Therefore, I will no longer accept anonymous comments. Rigid? Maybe. Don't like it? Get some cajones and comment with your name.


Maria said...

I always wonder about those anonymous ones. Must be afraid of something.....yes?

kristi noser said...

I think you are correct Maria.

Carla said...

Hi it's me. Anonymous.

cmk said...

SOOOOO much fun when someone reads something so much more into what you have written, than what you intended, isn't it? :/ Are we so politically correct that we are not able to dislike someone? (Christian values aside--loving everyone, etc--I still do dislike some people. Sorry, it is my sin.) Anyone who happens to believe in traditional, Christian, conservative values, is not allowed to have any type of negative thought because it is 'hateful.' But the ones outside of the mainstream can say anything they want and it is okay--no matter how mean and awful the statement might be. I just don't get it. (You hit a nerve here. :))

Katie R. said...

I realize this has nothing to do with your original point, which I agree with by the way. I'm just glad I now know how to spell cajones. You go Kristi!

Brandy Dopkins said...

oh, of course any famous person, - Rosie included - has little minions who think that (insert celebrity here) is their personal friend.

Kinda lets you know a bit about thier mentality right off the bat.

erin said...

Wow. I missed all of this. Good for you to stick up for yourself. I'm with CMK. You don't have to be friends with everyone, you don't even have to like everyone, but we need to work to be kind to everyone. To be honest, Kristi, I don't think you were unkind. I know what you're thinking--
"Hello, Erin? This is the kettle. You're black."
I'm working on it.

erin said...

Edit: ...but, *AS CHRISTIANS, we need to work to be kind to everyone.
You know, those people who find salvation in Christ alone. Not in glass houses, or sticks and stones, or even in good works (i.e. being NICE).

erin said...

Christ wasn't that nice, guys. Not that it's ok to judge, but he wasn't.
I'm just saying.
I think that's all I have to say.