Monday, February 19, 2007

Homework Part Deux

Homework in this house is usually not a happy time. Eli doesn't like to do it, and I don't like to have to deal with him not liking to do it. We had a talk today about attitude and proceeded to do homework. What a difference. I heard Eli once mumble to himself, "control" and the homework experience was a dream. Yes, ladeeezz and gentlemen, I used the words "homework" and "dream" in the same sentence.
I asked Eli if he was to rate tonight's homework experience 1-10 (1 bad, 10 good) what would he say? "An 8," he said. "How about last week?" I asked. "A one."
I asked him what the difference was.
"My attitude." was the answer.

Erin, if I may step on your haiku toes for a moment:

My boy's attitude
has changed and I am happy
keep it up young man!

1 comment:

erin said...

Beautiful poetry to my ears!