Saturday, October 21, 2006

Now That's Something!

I saw something really cool this morning.
Every morning 20 or 30 turkeys come into our yard looking for food. This morning I watched them go across the lawn, and one stayed behind.
The female watched the bunch, which kept moving, then looked into the woods, then the bunch, still moving, and then scooted to the edge of the woods and started to make noises. I could only asume she was calling to some others. As many times as I have seen the turkeys, I have only heard them peep, or ruffle, when the boys do their puffing thing. I wish I could tell you what the noises sounded like, but it ended with a sound akin to Eddie yelping when he is hurt. It was like this--use your imagination: err err orr yipe yipe!
Ten young turkeys came running out of the woods and joined the caravan.
That was so neat to watch, I stood in the window and chuckled at those little turkeys just running as hard as they could to catch up to the big group.


Anonymous said...

How neat! Almost every road trip we take we get to see a flock of turkeys on the side of the road--don't know WHY they like the road so much, but... Years ago we NEVER saw turkeys and now they are commonplace!

Bonefish Al said...

Kaui went Veggie a couple of months ago...but we've agreed to eat real turkey instead of Tofurky (sp?) for thanksgiving...

We're going to get a Heritage Turkey...maybe Dad can one of those turkeys to OUR house this year...muhahhahahahahahahaa

kristi noser said...

WHAT! The Queen of Steak went Veggie???
Say it ain't so!