Monday, October 02, 2006


Now that my children are older, I rarely buy toys like dolls, trucks and things like that. Therefore, the commercials for these items do not usually pique my interest. The Mattel company, however has dipped below the desperation radar in my opinion.
I was watching TV one day last week, and a commercial came on for a Barbie dog. No, not a dog that looks like Barbie, or an ugly Barbie doll. A dog. A dog to which the child is expected to feed plastic food. Then came the part that made me listen and shake my head in disbelief.
The dog then dukes little plastic pellets on the floor and the child uses the mini pooper-scooper and cleans up after the dog.
As if the pooping baby doll was not enough, now we have PLASTIC DOGS THAT CRAP ON THE FLOOR!
How much fun is this? Really. How long do you suppose the child is going to clean up after that stinkin' dog before it goes to the plastic doggie pound?


Anonymous said...

oh Kristi!!! That was good. Thanks.

erin said...

I'd be more worried about the plastic glue factory than the plastic dog pound.
Or is that horses...?

Anonymous said...

It'd have to take a walk with Uncle John, who would carry a plastic shovel...

Anonymous said...

My grandkids would probably eat the plastic pellets. Just another call to poison control! :)

kristi noser said...

Pat, I love it when i make people laugh--you're welcome.

Erin, My Little Pony better watch out...

Kandi, what sound would tht make? Ahhhh....dah.

cmk, or push them in their nose...

Anonymous said...

And the crazy thing is? Somebody got paid to think that up. Imgine the scene:

Man: "Honey, I'm home from work and I have great news!"
Woman: "Really? What's your news?"
Man: "Mattel just bought the rights to the 'Doggie Dumper' and we're millionaires!"
Woman: "Fantastic, honey! I always knew you were a genius! I was sure this one would be a hit!"

Yeah, right. Now they're off on some island living like kings and queens while haggard parents are buying the "Doggie Dumper" for their Little Precious for Christmas.

Guess who's going to be cleaning up little poopie pellets after the first day? Soitanly ain't gonna be Little Precious. Gads.

Anonymous said...

Me again.

Whatever happend to BLOCKS?

Anonymous said...

Whoops...happened. Got a little wound up on that one...

Carla said...

In honor of Kelli Smith yesterday was declared BLOCK DAY!! Dug out the blocks and oh, the castles we made!