Friday, July 23, 2010


Haven't had much to blog about lately, we at the Noserhouse have been experiencing, how shall I say, teenage drama. Eli did something worthy of a month's grounding, and we have been dealing with that. Makes you take a quick breath when your son says "If you take that away from me I will hate you forever."
I told him that was a chance I'd have to take.
I looked to one of the pastors at church for wisdom and was told "If your child says they hate you, you must be doing something right."
He's coming around, after six days of solitude.
I am not of the belief that my children are to be happy with their parents all of the time. That, my friends is a recipe for disaster. Parents who try to make their children happy in spite of what's right make more trouble for themselves, but the children pay the ultimate price in the long run.
So we keep plugging, and praying, and learning.


Jeff Burton said...

"A chance I'll have to take"


kristi noser said...

thanks Burton.

Can do mom said...

You go, mom. It aint easy, parenting these newfangled teens who can be "absent" right in your presence. We've been dealing with some of the same issues and I, too, am hated at times.

I was certain that my teen child had issues until I recently had the chance to re-read a very old journal of mine from when I was a teen. Ummm... I sounded a lot like her. How enlightening.

Hang in there.

cmk said...

When my girls were teens, I 'KNEW' without a doubt that I would go to my grave without them ever talking to me again. Today, at the ages of 26 and 32, they call me frequently, we are good friends, and they always want to know where I am. This, too, shall pass.

theswamphare said...

I love your parenting Kristi and so will Eli when he realizes what you have given him by taking it away.

Reegz said...

In it together with ya. Can't even imagine having all teens but I fear it's coming....Saw Eli yesterday. What the french, toast?! Dude is a man!!!!!!!

Carla said...

Agreed. Trying to make our children happy by avoiding consequences is a recipe for disaster. Let us be swimming against the tide of the Entitlement Generation.

So proud of you, Mama!