Honestly I wouldn't have had to spend a dime because they were mouths agape the whole time we were there.
Here was the first thing, a meeting with "Miguel" (?) Timmers walked right up to him and high fived, hugged and posed. Nathan was a little shy, and stood behind me and peeked.

Here was more fun! As you can see from Nathan's face, he was not too enthralled. As a matter of fact I had to ask the guy to stop the ride after the second "hop" sequence. Not a favorite.
Where, oh where to hit a home run?
Ice cream!
What a fun time we had (with the exception of the hopper ride--never again Nafers, I promise). Thanks boys for a great day!
Thanks babe!! Their first time to The North America!!
I love the look on Nathan's face on the ride! A stark contrast when compared to Tims.
Know what was interesting? Tim was really happy, but then when Nafe started to cry Tim watched him and the he started to cry too! Figured he'd better be scared if the big bro was.
hyow amazingly fun!!! what a good friend!! i don't even go to the moa anymore, but i bet my kiddos would love it. maybe that will be a cabin fever day field trip...
Thank you for doing it. I was shocked (and inspired) at your courage when you told me what you did for the day. You are such a great blessing to your family. Thanks again Kristi!
and a blessing to my family
Oh my stars!! The boyz need haircuts!
I want a Kristi...
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