Monday, September 08, 2008

Dear past Kristi,

When you post directions where you KNOW people will see them, they won't look and will ask you what to do. Be polite and kind and recite what's posted verbatim.
If you remember this you won't be frustrated when people don't follow the instructions.
Not all people are like you, not all people are like you. This is a good thing, this is a good thing.


Anonymous said...

You mean you just don't say=="Did you not see the LARGELY, IN YOUR FACE, CAN'T MISS THEM posted directions you idiot??
You must have the Holy Spirit a workin' in your life girl to be so nice!!!

kristi noser said...

Yeah when the people noticed the sign right after they asked for direction I just smiled.

Kelli said...


Be nice, now. I can be one of those people.

theswamphare said...

At the bottom of the directions, write 'Just like Kristi told you 36 frippin' times...' then a smiley face so that they cannot claim offense.

NoOtherName said...

Hmmm...I think I know to what you do refereth.