Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Timmer Story

I believe if you really listen, deciphering two-year-old speak is possible--even for a non-family member.
On Friday I went to visit Carla and the "littles". Timmers had some gum and I asked to see it. He opened his mouth wide and I saw green gum. I said "Cool green gum!"
What I got back was, "No Nonni, um boo."
"Sorry Bud, you're right, it is blue."


Carla said...

Yay! A++ in Timmerspeak.

Kara Jo said...

Good translating, Kristi.

Unknown said...

That's good. I would have thought he said "Dad, this gum is getting really old and tough to chew. May I have a new fresh piece please. Thank you Daddy."

Katie R. said...

Nice work. I think the last sound they hear is the first sound they say. Sort of like pig-latin without the "ay".

LadyD said...

How Sweet~
I get the No, Um, and Boo, But what does Nonni stand for? Is it a sweet name he has for you?

kristi noser said...


kristi noser said...

Y'know Pat, that's exactly what I thought at first too, but when I looked at the gum it all came clear.