Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sleepin Single

Confession: I love it when John works nights cuz then I get the bed to myself. Ahhhh. I don't have to think about how late I'm gonna read or when I'm going to shut off the tv. Selfish? Perhaps. Selfish or not, that's the truth! Last night Pops had to work and I woke to find Eddie with his head on John's pillow. I guess Ed likes it when Pops works at night too.


Kelli said...

Paradise. The other night I came upstairs after DH had dropped off to sleep (lying there, slack-jawed, snoring) only to find that he'd left me all of about 6 inches on the bed.

LadyD said...

I couldn't sleep at all when Jer worked nights, it scared me to death to be alone~
You must be brave......
It is so stupid really, it's not like anyone has broke into our house in the last 14 years...

erin said...

Rich is out of town til tomorrow. I've been sleeping in the center of the bed.
No pets allowed.
Loving it.

Keithslady said...

I can only hope that Eddie is a pet, right?

kristi noser said...

Yeah, Keithslady, sorry for the scare.
I wonder who you thought chewed the ball in the previous post...

Anonymous said...

i HATE having the bed to myself at night. freaks me out really. not sure why. just love the company of my husband. but, on sunday afternoons, I LOVE THE BED ALL TO MYSELF for my happy-nappy time!

hey kristi...i tagged you with a book tag. head over to lovin' four to find out the details. not sure about this whole tagging business. more work!!

Reegz said...

Sleep like an X!