Friday, February 01, 2008

Fish As Friends

A week or so ago Brandy brought a fish to live in the office. People talk to this fish, make faces at it and since it is a betta, hold a mirror to the glass to watch him puff up ready for battle with himself.
I was chuckling at the way people come in and talk to a fish--it's a fish for crying out loud! Then I turned around to the right at my desk this am.
We have a 55 gal. tank in the office, and a couple of months ago John put a whole bunch of little black and gold goldfish in there.
When I come in to the office to work--ok play--on the computer they get all excited, knowing I am going to feed them. Today I forgot to drop in the food, and I turned to look at the tank they were all congregated in the corner nearest me, waiting.
Maybe Brandy's got something there.
Fish friends, it could happen.


Billiam said...

PLease don't talk to the fish.. Please.. ;-)

erin said...

That's cool.
I was JUST planning a blog about fish! Perhaps I'll publish it on Monday.

-V- said...

Fish are cool! Once stayed in a hotel where you can order a pet fish to stay with you in your hotel room. I named her Wanda, fed her well, and talked to her late into the evening. Also left the cleaners a special tip with a note to please, please, please not flush the fish once I was gone. :-)

Kristin said...

Our office had a fish for a while. His name was Fred. We all had to go for counseling when he passed on. It was a slow, ugly death.

When items for the newsletter were slow Fred wrote a couple of articles. Right after that the newsletter went away. Huh, wonder if those things were related?

Carla said...

Dory and I would be the best of fish friends!!
Just keep swimming...

Reegz said...

Good job Bruce. Fish are friends.....not food.

Brandy Dopkins said...

You are coming around... Oh, it's so exciting!

There is such joy in little things. AND YES, Einstien does come to closer when you talk to him.