Eli and saw a robin yesterday. I'm thinkin': February, 17 degrees, maybe this guy jumped the gun a bit. Hey Bud, little tough there getting those worms through 4 or 5 inches of ice, think?
Kinda looked like he was drunk--bet that had a lot to do with it.
Like those guys who over-imbibe and then can't find their car.
This guy can't find FLORIDA.
That's messed up.
Alright - sad sore throat in progress. Praying for the drunk robin before bed. Thanks a lot, K!
Early Bird gets the worm.
Not in this case..........
More like a bent beak?
He's probably dizzy from low blood sugar~
I believe I ordered Steven Wright not too long ago. Waiting.........
I looked for videos online and honestly, he mumbles so badly you can't understand a thing he says!
Not tryin to one-up-ya but we had about 20 robins around our neighborhood during that last warm spell in January. I thought it was strange because they are usually meat eaters. Can't remember who said it but I was told robins sometimes do come back earlier than we think but then they eat berries. Or maybe it's the global warming thing.
He was eating fermented berries! That's why he was drunk!
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