Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Youuuu Might Be...

Jeff Foxworthy is talking about me today.
Here's what he's saying:

"If you have to drive the beater car on the coldest day of the year because your car is in the shop, and the beater car doesn't have any heat, and your husband puts this in the front seat, belts 'er in and lights 'er up......

Youuuuu might be a redneck."
But hey! I was warm!
Donations to the Noser Car Fund will be happily taken at any time.


Kelli said...

I'm sorry we can't do an auto hand-me-down, but I don't think you'd want one of ours!!

Another version of the Noser Roaster!
(Gotta post a picture of that sometime.)

Unknown said...

I had a 1983 chrystler e class with no heat and on a particularly cold winter me and a friend decided to see what it would be like to put a the living room kerosene heater in the back seat. it took a week to get the smell out and there was alot of thanking the big guy for dying of stupidity.

Unknown said...

oh also, can you show me how to do the link thing.

kristi noser said...

I'd be happy to, Charlie, if you want, you can email me and I can send you directions.

Carla said...

Warm as toast for sure.

erin said...


Katie R. said...

Did you need to keep the window down due to the fumes? 'Cause wouldn't that defeat the purpose? Although, it may be sort of fun going to work with a buzz.

LadyD said...

Wow- Is that safe?
Did you get a headache?
Can it explode?
Just trying to figure it out-
I agree with Katie, Hope you had the window down~
Although you do have a very skilled hubby and I am sure he knew what he was doing~

erin said...

Ok. I've been thinking about this for a couple of hours...why couldn't you just ride the 1.2 miles to church without heat, you big weenie?

Kristin said...

I'M COMING TO SEE YOU! Are you scared?

kristi noser said...

Erin, I had to bowl, I had to drive to Stillwater! If it were just church, heck, half the time I don't remember to turn on the heat when I go to work. Oh and HELLO! It's FOUR MILES!

Laura, yeah, dangerous, yeah it could blow up, yeah I had the window open a little, but it's no different from the gas that comes out of your stove and oven, not really fumey or anything.

Kristin, not scared at all, really excited tho.

zcoffeegirl said...

I thought it was a joke. You seriously did this?

Put a blanket on..I'm with Erin.

kristi noser said...

Yeah, Sher, I did. Wanna know the worst part? John said he's been doin this for two winters!

zcoffeegirl said...

Does he have his life insurance updated? OMS...to put it mildly. In my three year olds words, "Stop doin that!"

rt said...

If your old beater car is anything like our old beater car it has plenty of ventilation from the rust holes! tee hhe