Saturday, January 12, 2008

Trickle Down

We at the Noser house have been the recipient of many a hand-me-down. I prefer to call it "tricke down". When someone we know gets something new, we get the not-so-new, causing trickle down--see? Here's a short list of things at our house right now that have been, well, donated to the Noser cause: Grill, patio set including table and 4 chairs, digital camera, washing machine, desk, bed, office chair, exercise gym, stereo receiver, and countless things in the garage that I don't even want to know about. Makes me shudder just to think about it actually.
But I digress.
Today Jeffrey and Kelli experienced trickle down with Jeffrey's mom and dad's entertainment system. The works! Huge tv and all the trimmings. Which made me really happy as both of our VCRs (I know, dark ages) have recently died. What do you suppose "trickled" to us? Yep. I have officially climbed back on the VHS wagon.
That's cause for a "Yip Yippidy" if I ever heard one.


Kelli said...

Glad to be of service. You're our favorite trickle-down recipient. :)

-V- said...

Or... maybe a 'yippeekayay'?? ;-)

kristi noser said...

Yeah! Now I can watch the Die Hard video!

Unknown said...

After reading your post I did a little exercise. I trickle-check-walked around my house and it worked. Discontent shrunk and gratitude grew! Thanks for the reminder.

kristi noser said...

I think everyone needs a trickle-check once in a while. How are we ever going to live on $35,000 a year if we don't accept trickle down?

TheKupkaFamily said...

Kristi- we too have many trickle down items in our home. I love them. God has blessed so much with others unwated items.

rt said...

If it weren't for trickle down we'd be cold and living in an empty house!