Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Piano Man

Here's what Poppers made for Hannah for Christmas.

Tha man's got skilz.


Kelli said...

That was the sweetest thing I've seen in a LONG time!! And the music box in there...what a great touch.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, someone made that?? I'm always amazed by what people can do by hand!!

Carla said...

It is beautiful. What a treasure!

Katie R. said...

I think you and John are so cool. You make the neatest things and they aren't the typical artsy-craftsy things. You two are so neat and what an awesome and special gift for Hannah. Wayda go.

What's the song on the music box?

kristi noser said...

You are my sunshine. Apropos yes?

Katie R. said...


Jessica said...

I love it!

Unknown said...

Skills man! Skills!

Stained-glass and Steel Skills!