Friday, December 14, 2007

Winter Fun

Swampy's post today reminded me of good times past.
Here we gooooooo!
We had the sweetest sledding hill right behind our house when we were growing up on the farm. Not too long, so as not to be a huge burden walking back up, and an incline perfect for speed. Right in the middle was a ridge that made for some tummy tickles. I don't remember that the runner sled would ever work on this hill, but we always had mini-boggans. Remember those? They arrived on Christmas day all rolled up in a circle and you spent the rest of the winter trying to keep them from going back to the shape to which they had become accustomed. Unrolllllllll SNAP! Back to the tube they would go. Well we McKinneys are not to be beaten by a little piece of plastic, let me tell you. We would go to the barn and get a haybale, put it in top of the sled and ride down on that baby. Sledding limo, I'm tellin' ya. Just like riding a bus to the bottom of the hill. The hole at the top of the sled invariably would have a twine string tied onto it, which served well as the "reins". Wheeeeee!!! Ride that haybale horsie!
We also had a hill on the farm that was monstorous. We called it the "Big Hill". I know, pretty clever. The ride down was long and fast and wonderful. The climb back up was arduous, but we would go again and again. The main goal was to make it to "the pines" without hitting the bush at the bottom of the hill. Ah memories...


-V- said...

Ah - but they don't have to just be memories; there are great hills around Hudson too, yes? Blogger sliding party?? :-)

Some of my best sledding memories are from recent years on an annual cell group retreat; we stack and connect everything we can find to get down the hill in the most creative ways. Tubes on sleds, sleds on tubes, people on people on tubes on sleds, 4 sleds in a line... Couples sled run races (missionary position + snow pants)... Oh the fun!! :-) Still, we get back and I'm ready to hop the next sled to sunny FL...

Carla said...

My dad used to work on a toboggan slide in ND. The slide was total ICE! Pack on 7 people and WHHEEEEEEE!

theswamphare said...

Q: Did you end up with a bunch of bales at the bottom of the hill?

Observation: You can't get your tongue frozen to a plastic toboggan. the South, 'toboggan' is a kind of hat. Ha! no wonder they lost the Civil War!

note: written with a cumbersome pressure bandage on my thumb!

Kelli said...

Always came in handy when hauling hay to the animals in the shed, too. And, by golly, why just use one hay bale when you could use two and sit up REALLY high!! :)

But none of this would've been nearly as fun without funky homemade snowmobile suits with 12" inseams (picture Oompa Loompas in pink and purple) and bread bags in our boots!

Katie R. said...

Bread bags in your MOON boots. I never got that, why couldn't they make those boots waterproof? I completely forgot about one piece snowsuits...... wow! What a memory and to think this was all done without a bike helmet.

zcoffeegirl said...

That does sound like fun...moon boots were the walking in a cloud...moon boots with my blue and brown striped leggings were even better.

Carla said...

Napoleon is no fool. Comfort over style.

theswamphare said...

Yes, but Napolean was defeated by the Russian Winter (just like the Nazis) and by Lord Wellington.

Now Wellington has a beef dish named for him and Napolean? Dessert.

Carla said...

Um I meant Napoleon Dynamit

theswamphare said...