Saturday, November 17, 2007

Off 2C

Larry bought tickets for the whole staff to see the high school's production of "The Wizard of Oz" last night--thanks Larry. The play was wonderful. The boy who played the scarecrow sounded so much like the scarecrow in the movie, it was amazing. The girl who played Dorothy sounded like Dorothy too!
Really great job by all the students.
And as a bonus I got to sit by Mary, one of my fave peeps. Watching a movie or play with her is an experience. Every time the scarecrow fell down--which was often, that boy was bendy--she gasped. Sweet!
Thanks for the fun Larry and Mary!


zcoffeegirl said...

That does sound like fun..especialy with Mary. I'm glad you had a great time...wasn't Sarah something in it, too?

kristi noser said...

Sarah K? She was in Suessical--that was really fun too!