Monday, October 22, 2007

Salad Mary

I know, I know I probably shouldn't think of the biggest thing of the weekend as being a drink, but trust me--it was the biggest thing of the weekend.

Kori took us to an "establishment" in Iron River on Saturday to have "The Best Stinkin' Bloody Mary In The World".

Here is a picture of it.

Can you believe it?

Here's what it had in it: Pickled mushroom, olive, onion, baby corn and asparagus, plus a pickle, ham & cheese cubes, a slice of salami, a beef stick, celery, green onion, baby carrot, pineapple, a grape tomato, and a shrimp I could have put wheels on and driven home. The thing came out of the drink saying "here kitty, kitty". I'm talkin' huge whopper shrimp. This thing put the jumbo shrimp to shame. I think you get the picture.
More about camp tomorrow.


erin said...

Was it spicy? Tell me everything. Details. I drink vicariously through you.
I also love the teeny tiny beer chaser. Nice.

Carla said...

How big was the shrimp?

-V- said...

Yeah - let's hear more about that shrimp; did it inspire any nightmares...??

zcoffeegirl said...

That looks nasty. Sorry, I don't eat anything that swims.

Dawne said...

Guess you didn't need to order dinner, huh?

kristi noser said...

Welcome to blogland!

Actually the shrimp was really good, as shrimp go, no I didn't need to order dinner, that's more veggies than I usually eat at the salad bar anyway, and no V, sorry, no nightmares. Unless you count the one I had on Saturday night about the MR Convenience guy asking me to marry him--oh wait, I guess it did. EEEWWWWWW.