Monday, September 03, 2007

Shopping Madness

Today is the big day! The thrifty stores go half-off. Oh. My. Stars.
Carla and I took the chance that we would make it through the experience in one piece, and set off early this morning. Stopped by the first store, not many people, not too bad, got a bunch of stuff for Eli and a pair of pants for me for two bucks. (whoohoo!) We both found lots of bargains, and agreed to hit the next thrifty store. Madness, I tell you! Wall-to-wall people! AUGGHHHH! I was talking to one lady that said she had a cartfull at one time, and people were grabbing stuff out of her cart, so she bought what she had left, took it to her car and came back for more.
I only had to look for one thing--cleat shoes for Eli. There were three pairs, all size 13. He has pretty big feet, but not quite 13 yet. Bummer.
Carla found more treasures in the children's clothing department, we waited in line for a while to check out, and we were out of there. Got to our car and were immediately accosted by two parking vultures. I don't know who got the spot, but we made it out alive.
Hey Carla, looking forward to next year!

Also a couple of milestones today:

and Dad, we miss you.


Reegz said...

I had to check and make sure I acknowledged our dads passing away on the same day. I miss my dad too!

erin said...

I just read the story about your dad for the first time. I'm sorry I just now read it, but what a wonderful story.
Glad you found treasures!
Happy Birthday, Kori!!

Carla said...

Too fun shopping! I love how we dash in and out in 30 min. or less. hee
I reread the story of Dad. Big.
Love you! Happy Birthday, Kori!

Naomi said...

Could the crazy thrift store have been Valu Thrift in Sunray? I was there yesterday and could barely squeeze my pregnant belly through the crowds. I definitly made out with some gret treasures though!!!

Katie R. said...

Kristi I had never read your post about your dad before. I'm sorry for your loss but I do think it's a great story.

theswamphare said...

I will someday read the story about your dad, but it's sunny and warm today and I feel sort of happy.

Good to see that you got your computer fixed...