Friday, September 14, 2007

More On Guns

I love starting a title with "more on". Just my quirkyness.
More Hunter Safety last night. They mixed up the instructors, one did this part and one did that part, etc. so at least we didn't have to listen to Mr. "I'm the MAN" and his wife the whole time. They had the students up in the front demonstrating different ways to carry a gun (sorry--firearm) in the field, and it was quite a bit more interesting. I was pretty satisfied with the instructors, even though they pretty much read from the book the whole time. Who says that this class has to be non-fun? Whatever.
Only one part made me grit my teeth. Mrs. "I'm the MAN" went up to the front toward the end of class and announced that the two little girls in the front row will not be allowed to sit by each other for the remainder of the classes. So of course all the boys were laughing at them. I don't know (oh yes you do) what it is about this woman, but good grief, is it that hard to be nice or respectful to people? Take the girls aside after class or during a break and tell them to be quiet, don't embarass them in front of the whole class.


theswamphare said...

It is at that point
that I take out my cellphone,
open it up and...

say "Oh, it's for you."
"It's your social skills calling,
wond'ring where you are."

"Should I just tell them
you're busy being a jerk?"
"Get over yourself."

kristi noser said...

true, so true.

Katie R. said...

ahh, man! Doesn't that lady know those girls were probably uncomfortable enough just being there?

Kristin said...

Blogger chat Sunday night? I'll be at Erin's. Please??? Maybe we'll drive over to Barkers. That's always good grub.

kristi noser said...

Yes, Kristin, by all means.
Barker's on Sunday night everyone!