Thursday, August 16, 2007

New Look

I put it off for a long time because I was afraid (afraid of change, moi?) that if I changed to the new format I would lose all my links and have to rebuild. Not the case, thankfully. As I am not a huge fan of change, I kept it pretty much the same until I saw the color palette, I'm a fan of colors.
I kinda like the new 'do.

oh, and



erin said...

Love the new look!
And Happy Birthday Kelli!

Katie R. said...

I like it alot! Happy Birthday to Kelli, too.

Dear Kelli, Would you get a blog already? Then we could say Happy Birthday to you on your OWN blog. :)

Carla said...

Nice do, Kristi!
Happy Birthday Kelli!

theswamphare said...

I fear change, so I always use checks or credit cards.

Kelli's birthday? If she had her own blog, we'd leave haiku comments; no...make that Limericks

While composing haiku for Desvousges,
thinking it probably rhymes with 'dead-mouse-kiss',
I was burdened down with
making rhyming with 'Smith'
but that's not sufficient to cause a 'sore belli'...

Joey said...

What, couldn't take the pressure when Wide White was overhauled? I know, peer pressure is tough to resist...


Very nice Kristi Noser!