Monday, February 12, 2007

New Dog, New Trick

I let Eddie out tonight and was getting some wood to throw in the fire. Eddie ran back in the house and as I turned around with my arms full of wood, he shut the door on me. So much for teaching him that cool trick, huh?


kristi noser said...

Taking the lock off that door is your first step.

Anonymous said...

I'm laffing my bu** off!! Do you think he was sitting on the other side sniggering like Mugger??

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!

Still laffing...

erin said...

Kelli won't say butt?

Anonymous said...

Well, I would, butt I might offend some of Kristi's bloggers. Butt, seeing as how I'm over 40, I could just do it anyway.

Oh, by the way, I'm still chuckling over this...

Anonymous said...

he's just so cute you can't stay mad at him though... :)