Thursday, January 11, 2007

Doula Hear Me?

dou·la [doo-luh]
–noun, plural -las.
a woman who assists women during labor and after childbirth

Thanks Brian and Jen for a wonderful experience.


Carla said...

Do tell!!

erin said...

Don't you mean Doula tell?

kristi noser said...

Not my place to tell details, only a mom's perogative. But I can tell you her name is Caitlyn Grace.

NoOtherName said...

Thank YOU, doula-lady, for racing to the hospital to be there with us, your cool hand for me to squeeze, and for reminding me to "let it go" in between pushes. It'll always be neat to remember that you were there to see our baby Cait born. You are a treasure, Kristy.