Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Not My Forte

Or "for-tay" for you midwesterners. Not you Porter--ye who knows how to pronounce hyperbole...

Helped out at Youth Group tonight. Interesting. This is not my niche, I have to admit. This takes a special kind of temperament, which, I am very happy to say Dave G has in abundance. I was talking to these children--and no matter how old they think they are, they ARE children--and they looked at me like I had three heads. Why you may ask? I was asking them to take permission forms home and have their parents fill them out and bring them back. I know, a really strange request, right? Whatever.

Dave, thank you for filling some very big shoes. Thank you for being the kind of man of God by whom I want my son led. Thank you for coming to our church to be the kind of leader our children need.

And while I am at it, Brian, thank you for your faithfulness to our children through the years. Thank you for taking on the sometimes thankless and stress-filled job of leading teens and pre-teens, and doing it with grace and genuine love for them.

You both are terrific.

1 comment:

Billiam said...

I can pronounce all those words. So there!