Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ten Things

I once read something from a clean-your-house-up-in-three-easy-steps-type lady that stated if you put away, gave away, and threw away ten things each day your house would stay cleaner and more organized. I'm gonna give it a try. If I endeavor to do this, our house will be clutter-free by the year 2035. Maybe. I know it will be easy at first, but then will be harder when I actually have to decide what to do with those cross-stitch patterns that have been sitting in the closet for 5 years. Wait, that one will be easy.
I look around the house and think, "Do we NEED two computers that will never again be hooked up to an electrical socket?" I think not.
"Do we need computer games from the 1990s, the iron that has felt melted on it (two days after I bought it, mind you), or six million canning jars?
And all the people said,
So here is what I threw away today: (forgive me if you owned it at one time and left it at my house)
A pink plastic basket left here after the pig roast last summer
The cover for a knife that has been lost for years--now I'll find it...
An insulated cup that has been on the counter for two weeks
The rules and regs for fishing 2005-2006
A green quilted placemat
A half-finished notebook
Check boxes that I "just might need someday"
The music CD from VBS last year
A Star Wars blanket that has seen better days
A computer keyboard

Actually, today was relatively easy. Can't wait for tomorrow--maybe I'll go through my closet and get rid of things I'll never wear again. Goodwill, look out!


Carla said...

I would have loved the Star Wars bed spread for Josh and the Keyboard for Nathan to plunk on and oh I just LOVE the VBS CD from last year!! Don't you feel better for tossin the treasure?
Call Me!!

Anonymous said...

Don't throw the wedding candles!

Unknown said...

Maybe you should post what you're going to throw, put it in a box at the end of the driveway so people can look through it and THEN throw it away! One person's trash, ya know. I know, kinda defeats the purpose.

Anonymous said...

When you finish with your house, ya wanna start on mine? LOL We're moving within the year, and all I can do is stand like a deer caught in the headlights. sigh...