Monday, November 27, 2006

Out Of Place

Had Insurance CE today and I was in an Laws and Ethics class meant for prelicensing candidates. The instructor decided because in WI now CE must include some L&E, they made this a Continuing Ed class as well. They had books, none for me. Most was new for them, not for me. They were overwhelmed, I was kinda bored. Not that I didn't learn anything, I did, but it was kind of a yawner day. Actually I felt mixed emotions, I had memories of working in insurance, good and not so good.
One good thing was that I saw a lady that used to work with me, I really like her, so we caught up a little. I said I felt for her, she is in classes all day until Thursday. I remember taking the classes for licensing, on the last day I sat in the car and cried for a long time. There was just so much they shoved in your brain in such a short time--something had to come out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think what got pushed out when I went through the licensing classes was how to tie my shoes. So, I may have to wear slip-on shoes for the rest of my life, but I can sell insurance, by golly! What a trade-off.