Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Can't Keep Up

2007 license tabs: $55
2008 license tabs: $85

I would like to know anyone--working person that is-- that is getting a 55% raise this year.
Those musta been some expeeeeennnnnsive tar-pooping trucks.


LadyD said...

I hear ya, sent the check a couple weeks ago, got my pretty $85 dollar sticker in the mail yesterday. Sure hope it doesn't get lost or fall off the van.
You'd think that by laying off those 4 guys (that used to watch the one guy do all the shoveling) the price would have gone down because of all of the money they aren't paying for wages. Road workers make big bucks.

erin said...

So much for economic stimulus.

Anonymous said...

Your liberal head of state (lil' jimmy)does not consider that a tax increase...we need to donate more money to support people who wont work or are here illegaly.Boy, the next 4 years will be interesting...maybe the 5 time a day muslim call to prayer can replace the tornado sirens in Hudson.........Larry
ps-do I sound cynical???????

Maria said...

2007 fuel for two cars per month: 130 dollars.

2008 fuel for two cars per month: 498 dollars.

And then there are the groceries....

erin said...

Larry, how do you really feel? I mean, don't hold back.

L.O.V.E. I.T.!!

Kara Jo said...

And to think Minnesota's fees are even worse!

Larry, you crack me up.

kristi noser said...

Kara Jo, MN fees are much less since Jesse Ventura made the new law and now the fees do not go by how much the car is worth, but a flat fee. Kelli says they're $45. We have switched places with them!

Kelli said...

I just checked on what we paid last year. $44.50 each for the Suburban and the Honda. When we first moved here 8 years ago, We had a 1996 Dodge Grand Caravan and the tabs were way over $100. Cha-ching!!

Katie R. said...

Larry's funny.